Other advantages and characteristics of the non-Capitalistic system:

quick jump to: ‘Obsolete’ products
Quick jump to: Unnecessary jobs
Quick jump to: The job of your dreams
Quick jump to: Freedom of copy
Quick jump to: Open Source
Quick jump to: Disadvantages
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-There is not planned obsolescence
Everything is made to last for a long time, not just to pass the warranty time. (The warranty time would be also not necessary)
Everything is designed to be easily repaired and separated in its parts for the end recycling.
For any reasonable people it’s obvious that everything should be made in this way.

– Recycling and environment
All materials would be recycled, even if to recycle them requires more work than to produce them starting from fresh raw resources. The monetary profit doesn’t exists, and since the raw resources are not infinite, the first priority in an intelligent civilization is to extract less resources as possible. Regardless if this costs more work (money doesn’t exist).
For example, in the capitalistic world, to clean a dirty PC keyboard costs more effort than the 5$ you would pay for a new keyboard on Internet. But if you would have to start from extracting and refining oil, copper, and silicon, you would prefer to proceed to clean your keyboard, key by key.
Anyway, the recycling process of a material has never a 100% efficiency factor. If the loss is even only of 1% by each recycling cycle, it means that after 100 cycles, you will have no more material.
Then first reuse (and repair) products until it is possible, then only at the very end of their service, recycle all their materials.

– There are not ‘obsolete’ products. Nothing is impossible to be built again
Since the people decide what they want find in the stores, there is nothing that can no more be find, because it is ‘discontinued’. If there are sufficient requests to build again any kind of “old” product, the factories would arrange a production line to produce it gain. No problem!
For example, in the archives of TV stations there are plenty of video tapes containing historical video material, which are becoming no more viewable, because the existent player devices are stopping to work and they are no more reparable. New payers for those formats are no more produced, because the money profit from their sale would not be enough high.
In a world without monetary profit, the question will be never “Will I amortize the production costs through the sales?”, but would be “Are the necessary resources and workforce available to do it?” If yes, it’s done! And in a non-capitalistic system, there would be plenty of people interested to work on such projects.

– There is no annoying advertising. No commercial Spam.
Since there is nothing to sell, no annoying commercial advertising would exist.
There will be surely information boards and announces to let people know about new products, but without to be obsessive or annoying. There is no reason for that, because to ‘sell’ is not the purpose of work.

– There are not unnecessary jobs
Many jobs which now employ and waste a huge amount of private time and workforce, won’t exist. This makes available a huge amount of human resources for more interesting applications.
Would not exist: sellers, sales agents, insurances, stock exchanges, brokers, everything that has to do with financial products and services, marketing, taxes, tax consultants, advertising, factories which produce millions of garbage gadgets.

Think about how many efforts and computing resources are wasted in the capitalist system, just to collect your browsing data in internet and your personal data through the “data mining”. All this effort is made only in order to send you ‘personalized’ ads! In the hope that you will click on 1 of the 1000 adds you will see, hoping that finally you will buy something.

– The job of your dreams
Since the work is voluntary and shared among the interested people, it would be much easier to have the chance to do the job of your dreams. Of course, if for example everybody gets graduate in medicine and want work as doctors in hospitals, you would queue for many years in the waiting lists before to get a turn of work. Or if you set up a medical office for your own, it would be more hard to find patients for you.
On the other hand, nobody would work as miner or as sewer cleaner for 11,5 moths per year, and for his/her entire life. Never!

– Freedom of copy for everything (copyleft). Patents don’t exist
Everything that can be built, seen, read or listened shall be copied. Naturally it is not allowed to steal the intellectual property of a product. When you copy something you have always to specify from whom you have copied.
Nothing can be patented, also because it can’t be prohibited that someone in another place might have the same idea as you. Ideas can’t be patented. Yes, sometime it will happen that 2 inventors will quarrel about the origin of their invention, but it happens everyday also in the capitalistic system.
If you build something and you want that nobody will copy your invention, simply keep it secret for you. Don’t let the others see it.

In a non capitalistic system, any inventor would be happy to be copied, because it means that he has invented something good! Of course he would always be accredited and quoted as the original inventor.
Every good inventor or engineer knows well, that somewhere in the world there is a cleverer inventor than himself. Thus he would be happy to see how another inventor has modified or improved his product.
Yes, the list of people who have put their hands on a product may become very long. But all their names will be written in the change-log history of the product.

– Everything is Open Source
As consequence of the freedom of copy, nearly everything is made under the concept of the open source. Everyone can copy everything, with the only obligation to quote the original source.
Almost all the software would be open source, and ‘open source’ software will be not synonymous of “second quality” or “buggy” software. The developers are free to work for all the time the want, on the software they want, giving their best. Their work is not confined to 1-2 hours in the night after their main job, as it happens in the capitalistic system.
The open source software would be much more well organized, structured and effectively developed than now. It would be the reference software.

Of course you are free to don’t disclose the source code of your software, but you can’t impede that someone will write a software with the same functionalities, if he gets know about your software. Of course he would quote you as source for the idea.
If someone doesn’t want that other people copy or use his software, he simply keeps the software secret for himself.

In a system where nearly all the software is open source, nobody would trust easily to use closed source software (like Microsoft Windows, Office, many smartphone Apps, ecc..) because nobody could know what the software really does (and spies) inside of your machine.

– Disadvantages:
Nobody can become super rich, whatever he does or invents:)

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