Electric cars and electric mobility

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The rush to the sale of electric cars powered with batteries, pushed by the constructors of cars, is another gloomy show of the absurdity of the capitalistic system.
Naturally, the future of all the transport means is to switch to electric. There is nothing to discuss. The oil will be out, it is only question of time. It may be in few decades or 100-200 years, but that day will come.

That electric cars powered with batteries are not sustainable on large scale is clear as crystal. There is simply not so much resources of rare metals to produce batteries for all existing cars. Even not for only the cars in the “rich” Countries.
There are not enough kW of electric power to charge millions of electric cars during the day or night. Even if you use “intelligent” charging systems which shift the charging times, reducing the number of cars which sucks power from the grid contemporary. They would be simply too many cars!
Moreover, where can the exhausted and no more recyclable batteries be disposed? In a nowhere place? The recycling process of exhausted batteries is not 100% efficient, and it can’t be applied endless. But anyway there are not enough raw resources to supply chemical batteries for hundred millions e-cars. Even Mr. Elon Musk, the chief of Tesla, admitted it.

Then why are so many car constructors wasting so much time and money in research on a dead technology? Why are they pushing so hard to sell so their so limited cars? E-cars have only few hundred Km autonomy, and I want see how it gets reduced in real conditions, with plenty of air heating in winter, air conditioning in summer, lights on, and driving on uphill roads.

It is only happened, that after almost everybody owns a car in the “rich” Countries, the car constructors need to put something new to sell on the market! They need to sustain the costs of their existing production plants, which naturally have now a smaller demand than in the past decades. This is the law of capitalism: just produce and sell something, regardless whether it is useful or harmful. When the market is saturated, invent something other to ‘sell’.
Slowly, it is becoming clear to everybody, that this cycle can’t continue forever.

Battery-powered E-cars might get a small share of the market, but they are not the solution on large scale. They are not sustainable in any way.

The proper solution is to produce the electric power directly onboard the car, not outside. Fuel cells powered with hydrogen might have a lower efficiency rate due to the transportation of the hydrogen to the fuel stations, but overall it is a more sustainable solution, because hydrogen is abundant and it is easily renewable in the environments.
Furthermore, hydrogen can be carried not only in gas form, which is very problematic to manage, but it can be bounded to liquid carriers or solid elements. Research are ongoing.

And not only this. Already in the 1990’s years a system had been developed, to produce hydrogen onboard the car starting directly from water. This would be the better and final solution, but the oil and car Companies don’t welcome this system, because it would not to allow to make money through the net of fuel stations, which would be no more necessary! In the capitalism, it is always a question of money. Everything!

So fr the moment, don’t buy an electric car powered with batteries. Keep a small gasoline car. At the present time, it is a better solution for the environment. Cars powered with LPG or methane are more clean, but they add considerable safety problems, which I would avoid.

And at last, don’t forget that even when all the cars of the world will be “clean” electric, without batteries, they will be never really clean. They will always run on gummy tires…
A large part of the microplastic which are found everywhere in our biosphere nowadays come for car tires. The small gum particles released by the wearing of tires don’t disappear. They just accumulate in the environment, in the ground, in the underground water, and they enter in the food chain, like all the microplasic do.

Until biodegradable and reliable gum for tires will be developed, the transport means based on tires must be limited more as possible.


TRAMs and Trains, the cleanest transport means

Nowadays, the electric transport means on rails are the most clean and energetically efficient. From the trains for the transportation of 400-600 passengers on the long distances, to the “light” urban TRAMs.

Thanks to the low friction between the steel wheels and rails, trains require a much less energy to transport the same amount of persons or goods. Per each passenger, a TRAM requires 1/4 of the energy of a bus, despite the higher net weight of the mean.

Electric trains and TRAMs are the only transport means which don’t produce CO2 and microplastic (gum). The few iron particles (from the wheels) and copper (from the overhead line) are not nanoparticles and they get easy metabolized by the environment (they get oxidized). For long time in the future, they will remain the cleanest transport means available.

Therefore, prefer trains and trams for your moving everywhere it is possible.

Electric trams run in the cities already since the first years of the 1900. In the 1960-1970 years TRAMs suffered of a heavy decline, also due to the pressure of the constructors of buses. The transport means on tires and combustion engines, looked to be the future for all transports. Never a wrongest vision…

Today, TRAMs are gaining back their place as crucial transport means for the future. A must in middle and large cities. No batteries, no microplastic.

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